Monday, 24 April 2023

Message from Peter Brady ... APRIL 2023


Thank you for your email. I am still in practice as a Cardiothoracic surgeon at RNSH, looking forward to winding down. Have recently stopped doing “on call” so it feels like a whole new world.  30 yrs married to Belinda, 2 beautiful daughters, 2 wonderful sons-in-law and 2 grandsons. As they say, if you knew how great it was to have grandchildren you would have had them first!!  Spending as much time as possible on my cattle farm up in Northern rivers district, enjoy the physical work, veterinary and obstetric interventions as well as the country folk.  Have been following “class” through the snippets I have received via your posts and Bernie Hudson who I see a lot of at work. Well done.

Hope the re-union goes well

Warm regards

Peter (Brady)