Monday, 10 April 2023

Message from Lesley Soo (Hort) in Brisbane.

After a challenging time at uni, I have had an interesting and mostly rewarding career. After spending time in the PNG highlands, and marrying a Malaysian Chinese dentist I met there, I have worked in many places alongside his career in public dentistry. Much of my medical practice has been in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health including in Redfern, Alice Springs, East Arnhem land and now Brisbane. I have also worked in general practice in country Victoria and Melbourne. We have 3 sons. I am still working full time in Brisbane, mostly enjoying it, despite the explosion of mental health and drug and alcohol issues. 

I look back on our careers and reflect on the massive changes in medicine, medical practice and society since we all graduated. 

I am attaching the PBS in 1979 for us all to consider- I found this with my knitting patterns!!  

How many medications do you remember? 

How many drugs on this list do we still use? 

How the PBS and Medicare have grown as well!

I hope you all have an enjoyable evening. 

Best regards
