Dear Andrew,
Many thanks for your not inconsiderable efforts to keep
our year group in touch. Much appreciated!
My role professionally continues much unabated. Am
working FT as a GP plus Medical Acupuncturist plus GP Training Supervisor.
Still enjoy work!
I have moved into the corporate sphere with some
trepidation, now carrying the title of Clinical Lead Doctor within the
Cornerstone Health Group. I fear for the future of General Practice, and
believe I must contribute whilst I am able.
This email is written during a rare moment of inactivity
AKA cruising on The Mekong! My life outside work is alive and well. I am
blessed with a great family and a wonderful circle of friends. We share
interest in travel, music and life in general. My pre- retirement hobby is
learning the cello.
We are a very fortunate group, who can now pause to
reflect on what life has handed us, and how we can repay.
Every good wish for 2023,
Janet Widmer.