Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Message from Janet Widmer ... Blue Mountains via the Mekong River!

Dear Andrew,

Many thanks for your not inconsiderable efforts to keep our year group in touch. Much appreciated!

My role professionally continues much unabated. Am working FT as a GP plus Medical Acupuncturist plus GP Training Supervisor. Still enjoy work!

I have moved into the corporate sphere with some trepidation, now carrying the title of Clinical Lead Doctor within the Cornerstone Health Group. I fear for the future of General Practice, and believe I must contribute whilst I am able.

This email is written during a rare moment of inactivity AKA cruising on The Mekong! My life outside work is alive and well. I am blessed with a great family and a wonderful circle of friends. We share interest in travel, music and life in general. My pre- retirement hobby is learning the cello.

We are a very fortunate group, who can now pause to reflect on what life has handed us, and how we can repay.

Every good wish for 2023,

Janet Widmer.