Sunday, 7 May 2023

45 year reunion dinner - 72 happy colleagues, 3 short addresses (Byrne, Jurd, Collignon).

Dear Colleagues, 

Thanks to all who made this event enjoyable.  It seems to have been successful from the stream of positive messages I have received.  Many others had wanted to come but were prevented by post-Covid commitments.  Others still are just not keen on such events or live too far away ... but each who wrote declining sent best wishes for the evening.  We have 195 respondents and another 16 who are not in touch (with me).  

Here are a couple of photos of the evening ... Panorama shot arranged by Mike Freelander.  Jim Markos has also taken a lot of excellent close-ups too.  If you would prefer not to be amongst them or to have names omitted or just first names please let me know asap.  Changes can be made at any time.  

Ian, Jon and Rosemary

Bill, Ian and Jon

Rosemary, Glenda and Mick

Avrill and Garvin

George and Jim

Tuly .... Yael

David, David and Fred. 

Fred and Kerrie

Tess, Peter and Sally

Andrew and Marilyn

David and Mary Kathryn

Michael and Bill

Tess, Peter and Sally

Val and Agnes

Ingrid and Howard

Howard and Leah

Anu and Jim

Val and Agnes

John and Bernie

Julian and Denise H. 

David and Paul

David and John

Bruce and Lyn

Lesley and Paul

David and Susan

Michael and Peter

Helen and Mike

Bernie and John

Robert and Max

Chris, Libby and Helen 

Rebecca and Justin

Terri and Robert 

Jeff and Jude

Anne and Anne

Steve, Libby and Arnold

Steve and Libby

Arnold and Miriam

Andrew giving welcome talk. 

Miriam and Andrew
Andrew and Anne