Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Message from Julie Kibby

Thank-you for your continued efforts Andrew. I look forward to joining you at the Reunion Dinner.

My personal journey has been challenging with my husband Rick’s (Burbury) physical illnesses, complicated by a shark attack in 2021 when he lost his arm.  

I continue to practice in an intermittent fashion as a medical psychotherapist – requiring a segue from general practice in 2003  into psychiatry for 6 years then a Masters in psychotherapy (my niche at last! J).

Very best wishes, Julie Kibby

Monday, 20 February 2023

News from John and Shauna de Launey

 Hi Andrew,

Well after an annus horribilis (well, relatively speaking) of my mother’s passing and Covid x 2, retirement is now complete and the days are filling with family, travel and renewed studies! As often heard from patients “I don’t know how I ever found time to work, doc”.

Late last year we did a cycling tour from the bottom of the boot of Italy right up to Venice over about a month. Bloody hard - lots of hills in Italy! The contrast in food, wine, culture, attitudes and wealth along the way was most impressive. It is physically impossible to get a bad coffee in Italy.

Enrolled now in Archaeology at the Alma Mater, and blessed that the lectures are mainly in a lovely old wood-panelled theatre in the Quad building. The University is so different in many ways to our glory days - very transactional, very business-like (it is very much an export industry now), social activism is but a quaint footnote. But at the same time, the Quad, Anderson Stuart and the Holme remain as ever they were. Young wide-eyed students are still young wide-eyed students, and the feeling of relaxed, uncommitted freedom resurfaces. But maybe that’s just me looking through the misty lens of 1972! Oh, and if one more 18 year-old congratulates me on still wanting to be active and learning “at your age” I shall be hard-pressed to resist ripping out their tongue-stud and nose-ring!

Sad to daily miss our old Jacaranda friends in the quad, but their young replacements seem to be content and flourishing, and will no doubt be “those old trees we used to sit under in the Quad” for future generations of alumni.

Best regards,

John (and Shauna) de Launey

PS: I am trying to break a prior unbreakable commitment for the reunion night - will let you know within days if successful.

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Message from Justin Smith ...

Hi Andrew

Just booked for our reunion dinner on Sat April 29 - thankyou. 

I found your blog but not tech savvy enough yet to directly add to it. Amazing stories and achievements by our colleagues Gough Whitlam sure got his $ worth by making Uni free and exiting Vietnam call up back then eh? So many of our collective offspring have gone on to contribute even more now as we ease off or out. My youngest just passed her fellowship Obs Gyne and my eldest started GP in Bangalow after a former journalist career. I'm still doing two days a week GP still mostly melanoma and skin cancer but many old everything patients after 41 years here in Raymond Terrace.

Still addicted to flying of course with many hours in the clouds in gliders planes ultralites. 48 yrs married to Becky (Bexy to her beloved ten grandkids). Married in 4th year Uni so she still holds us and the whole extended tribe (and SFUND ) together. I feel both proud and humbled by those stories, Mark Henschke in particular a stand out. It seems you have to exit early like Mozart, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix etc to get the posthumous accolades one deserves. Thanks so much for your efforts in our behalf and look forward to seeing you in April,

Justin Smith

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Book now!! Sat 29th April 2023 45 year graduation anniversary dinner.

 45th Year Reunion Dinner – Moore Park Golf Club.

Sydney Uni Medical Graduates - Sat 29th April 2023

 Dear Colleagues,

 Thanks for all the support – we now have 40 acceptances for the dinner so can open up for bookings @ $90pp and I will pay the venue deposit to lock in the date.  I hope that many more will take this great opportunity to catch up in person with their colleagues from the 1978 Graduation. 

 Venue: Moore Park Golf Club, Cleveland St, Moore Park (opp Sydney Girls High School).  Free parking at top of driveway.  Partners welcome. 

 6.30pm for drinks/canapés, 7.30 for sit-down dinner with alternate plated options plus vegetarian and other preferences. 

 Please send funds $90pp by EFT (remember to include your name):

NAB account name: Andrew Byrne

BSB 082212 Acct No: 631978224


Best wishes, Andrew Byrne .. (with help from K. Brown, J. Markos, J. Stokes, J, Scullin, B. Haylen and others). 

 Fair warning: there are speed cameras in Cleveland St so beware!